How to use SNAP and Double Up Food Bucks
at the
Pontotoc Farmers Market
Using SNAP at our market is simple, easy and no questions asked. Any customer with SNAP/EBT is eligible to use their card with us. Stop by our Welcome Table and tell us you would like to use SNAP. We will run your card for the dollar amount you have chosen to spend. You will receive food tokens in the dollar amount you charged plus a matching amount up to $20 in additional tokens.
All of our food vendors will accept the SNAP wooden tokens for fresh produce, dairy, eggs, baked goods, sweet treats, honey and a variety of cottage foods. The extra free tokens are silver. The silver tokens can be used to purchase fruits and veggies.
If you don’t use all your tokens at your initial visit, you can keep them until the next time you shop at our market.
This program is made possible by the Double Up Food Bucks Mississippi allowing our market to match your SNAP purchases up to $20 per market day.